Our Ministries
Children’s Ministry
We aim to help children know the ‘heart of The Father’ through following Jesus Christ, by learning together as ONE family, to be the body of Christ, in the way we worship God, care for each other, become like Jesus, serve others and share the good news of Jesus in the community around us.
Happy Hearts
Happy Hearts is a music, movement and play group for pre-schoolers and their families which is on every Wednesday during term time.
Morning Tea: 10:00 - 10.20am
Music session and active play: 10:20 - 11:00am
Youth Programmes
Our youth groups are vibrant and diverse with a distinct bunch of young people from different upbringings.
Breakfire is for those in Years 7-8. Afternoon tea available from 3:15pm. Programme: 3:30-5:00pm on Thursdays during term time for games, activities and faith talks.
Momentum is youth church for high-schoolers held on Tuesday nights, 7.00pm. Everyone’s welcome.
Fired Up is for those in Years 7-10 on Sunday mornings during the 10.30am church service. This is on during the school terms and involves activities and Bible teaching.