At Sunday services an offering bag will be passed around, or you may wish to establish online giving through your banking system. As a church we receive very little in the way of outside funding and are almost entirely dependent upon your offerings to exercise our mission and ministry. We are very grateful for all that you contribute. There are also baskets for food contributions which go to the Gore & Districts Community Food Bank.
You can make a direct credit or set up a regular automatic payment to our bank account.
General: 03 0915 0010864 000
Building: 03 0915 0010864 001
Please identify your payment as a gift, donation or tithe in the ‘reference’ field.
If you’d like you can contact the Treasurer and be allocated a unique Envelope Number and given a supply of printed envelopes. Cash can be put into the envelopes and placed into the offering bags during Sunday services, or dropped into the office. A record of cash donations will be kept and a receipt will be issued at the end of the tax year.
You can place cash directly in the offering box. Please note that your gift will not be eligible for a donation rebate receipt if we cannot identify the name of the giver.
For more information:
Treasurer: Shayna McArley 022 532 8975